guide line

 | Post date: 2017/08/26 | 
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How to write different articles

1. Research paper
The volume of each abstract should not exceed 250 words and each article should contain these items in the following order:
Front Page:
Persian abstract of the article including the title and abstract (Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion, and Key words), Author(s') name(s), Position, Academic rank, and Related organization, as well as the Corresponding author's E-mail address and telephone number (in Persian).
Second page and the rest:
The body of paper including the Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, Authors' contributions, and References. The body of article, except for references, should not exceed 4,000 words.
The last page:
The English abstract of the article should include: Title; Abstract of the article containing Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion, Keywords; Author(s') name(s); Position and academic rank; E-mail address and telephone number of the corresponding author (in English).
2. Review articles
Review articles can be divided into three general categories:
A) Narrative review articles
B) Systematic review articles
C) Meta-analysis articles

The review articles have a similar structure to original research papers. The only difference is that there is "search strategy" instead of "Methods". The title of review articles is usually shorter than the title of original research papers; they are more general.
The Abstract of Review Articles: should not exceed 250 words.
The body of Analytical or Systematic review: has the same structure as the research papers.
The body of Non-systematic Review Articles: includes title page, Persian abstract, introduction, research method and review, article description (explaining about important findings of the articles under review), conclusion, acknowledgement, authors' contributions, references, and English abstract.
The body of review articles should not exceed 4,000 words.

3. Short articles
Abstract of short article: is similar to the research papers. The structure of short articles is the same as original papers; however, they should not have more than 2000 words.
4. Letter to the editor
It is in the form of a letter and should not exceed 1000 words. These articles do not need a structure, but they must have an English abstract.
General Principles of Writing
§ Articles should be written in Persian; use of Latin words having appropriate Persian equivalents should be avoided.
§ The manuscript's full text should be written in one column in A4 paper. The manuscript should be typed with 1.15 centimeters space between lines and must not exceed 13 pages. The margins of pages from top and bottom should be 2.5 cm and 2 cm from left and right.
§ The title of all tables should be above them, while the charts and figures' titles should be written under them; added explanations should come after table, charts, and figures. References of tables and figures adapted from other sources should be mentioned at the end of their titles.
§ Sent figures must be accurate and clear in JPEG, GIF, or TIF formats. Tables, charts, and figures should be numbered and placed within the text orderly.
§ Type and size of Persian and English fonts should be according to the following table:
Situation of use Name, form, and size of the font
Persian and English abstract titles B Titr 13
Persian abstract text B Nazanin 12
English abstract text Times New Roman 11
Manuscript text B Nazanin 12
English phrases within the text Times New Roman 11
Titles of different parts of the article (abstract, introduction, method, etc.) B Nazanin / Bold 12
References Times New Roman 11
Tables' texts B Nazanin 10
Titles of tables, figures, and charts B Nazanin 10
tables and charts' footnotes (the entries below the tables describing the symbols or abbreviations in the table) B Nazanin  10
Persian footnotes (Organizational Affiliation of Individuals) B Nazanin 10
English footnotes (Organizational Affiliation of Individuals) Times New Roman 10
Authors' names in Persian B Nazanin 10
Authors' names in English Times New Roman 10
Writing tips:
§ Avoid using footnotes in the text. If additional explanations are required, bring them in parentheses and in front of the intended expression in the text.
§ In the case of using scientific terminologies that their English equivalents are required, the original words should be written in parentheses.
§ The decimal symbol should be written by (/).
§ Use quotation marks (") for quotations.
§ Inline numbers should be in Persian.
§ After presenting the number of tables and charts, colon symbol (:) should be used, for example (Table 1: .....).
§ All individuals, except the author(s), who contributed in scientific aspect or composition of the manuscript and etc., as well as the organizations that provided the required funding and facilities should be appreciated.
§ It is necessary to provide the contribution of each author (research design, data aggregation, data analysis, writing and modification of the article) at the end of the manuscript in "Authors' contributions" section.
§ Authors can upload their manuscripts through the journal website at To do this, authors are required to login to the journal's website, read the article submission guide from the "For authors" icon, and submit their manuscript.

Writing references
All references should be in English. Persian references should be translated into English and then the phrase [Persian] should be added in front of them. References should be arranged in the order used within the manuscript's text. The Vancouver instructions should then be applied to set the references as follows:
 Up to six authors: Surname Name. Title of manuscript. Title of the journal; Year of publication, Period (number): Page numbers
Chaudhari L, Tandon OP, Vaney N, Agarwal N. Auditory evokes responses in gestational diabetics. Indian J Physiology Pharmacology. 2003; 47 (1): 75-80.

 More than six authors: a comma (,) should be placed after the sixth author's name followed by Et al. The rest of bibliographic information should be set as mentioned above.
The organization as the author or publisher: in the case that an organization is introduced as a book or journal's author or publisher. The rest of bibliographic information is set as the above.
Berlin CI, Bordelon J, Jhon PS, Wilensky D, Hurley A, Kluka E, et al. Reversing click polarity may uncover hearing neuropathy in infants. Ear hear 1998; 19 (1): 37-47.
Up to six authors: Surnames and names of all individuals in sequence. Title of the book, Issue number. Place of publication: Publisher; Years; Pages (names of authors should be separated with commas).
Gelfand SA. Essential of audiology. 2nd ed. New York: Thieme; 2001, 54-67.

More than six authors: A comma (,) should be used after the sixth author and then Et al. should be added. The rest of bibliographic information is as above.
Editor as the author: Surname and Name should be followed by a comma (,) and then the word "editor" should be added. The rest of bibliographic information is set as above.
Surname Name. Thesis title, [Thesis]. Place of publication: Name of school and university; Year.

Gelfand SA. Essential of audiology, [Thesis]. New York: California; 2007

Citation to electronic resources
Electronic resources refer to Web Pages and Databases used in the preparation of the manuscript.
1) If the web page has a writer:
Writer. Title of page (Document). Publication year. Web site title. Insertion of the phrase "Available at" and then the Internet address. Date of visiting page.

Kilmartin M. Women in GP: a strategy for women GPs. 2003. RACGP Online. Available at: URL: http: // Accessed Jul 30, 2003.
2) If the web page does not have an author:
Title of page (Document). Publication year. Web site title. Insertion of the phrase "Available at" and then the Internet address. Date of visiting page.
High blood pressure in pregnancy. 2003. RACGP Online. Available at: URL: http: // Accessed Jul 30, 2003.


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