Dr. Iraj Mohammad Fam
Professor, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences
mohammadfam umsha.ac.ir
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Dr. Iman Dianat
Professor, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
dianati tbzmed.ac.ir
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Dr. Mohammad Reza Monazzam-Esmaeelpour
Professor, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
smaeel tums.ac.ir
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Dr. Rasoul Yarahmadi
Professor, Iran University of Medical Sciences
yarahmadi.r iums.ac.i
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Dr. Ehsanollah Habibi
Professor, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Habibiehsan1 gmail.com
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Dr. Mohammad Javad Zare Sakhvidi
Associate Professor, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences
Mjzs63 gmail.com
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Dr. Yahya Khosravi
Associate Professor, Alborz University of Medical Sciences yakhosravi yahoo.com
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Dr. Sajad Zare
Associate Professor, Kerman University of Medical Sciences
ss_zare87 yahoo.com
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Dr. Omid Kalatpour
Assistant Professor, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences
kalatpour umsha.ac.ir
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Dr. Gholam-abbas Shirali
Associate Professor, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences
g.shirali52 gmail.com
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Dr. Teimour Allahyari
Associate Professor, Urmia University of Medical Sciences
Allahyari umsu.ac.ir
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Dr. Masoud Motalebi Kashani
Associate Professor, Kashan University of Medical Sciences
motalleby_m yahoo.com
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Dr. Farhad Ghamari
Assistant Professor, Arak University of Medical Sciences
f.ghamari gmail.com
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